triaged accepted fixed
Summary: Unauthorized access of jira admin & Api rest information disclosing by jira service.
Steps to reproduce:
Go to URL:
Now enter an email for signup and get conformation link.
After signup we have access of admin with there service.
Now one by check all 5 tabs available in jira page. with all access of edit, delete, request, and manipulation access without authorization.
Now again visit URL by Incognito windows:
Now by first url we have unauthorized api rest information disclosing.
Second one for verifying the product of "verily".
Browser/OS: Chrome/Windows11
Solution: Update the jira version for verily server and domains.
Poc: I have attached a video for step to step demonstration Video Link:!ApqnwYzfSjpShBz5vyEtDKxFTev1
Attack scenario: As an attacker I have admin access with full authorized like delete, edit, request, change, and manipulation access. And also have rest api unauthorized information disclosing of admin.
Acquisition info: yes, it's product of google.