Attacks working only when sharing local account with the attacker

A lot of vulnerability reports mention issues that can only be exploited when both the attacker and the victim use the same local user account on a single device (for example when logging in to your Google account on a computer in a public library, or in an internet cafe). In such a case, the attacker and the victim are both logged in to the same operating system user account and may even share the same browser profile.

Reporters point out that in such setups, the attacker may be able to:

  • Recover a password entered into a website
  • Reveal multiple passwords from the browser's Password Manager
  • Extract sensitive information from the files stored in a browser profile directory, or in the browser cache
  • Capture cookies or anti-CSRF tokens transmitted in the encrypted HTTPS stream (by using the proxy) and reuse them even after the victim has already logged out

Technically, it's all true. But in a more general sense, sharing the same device & OS account with a sufficiently skilled, malicious user poses an inherent security risk. That's why it's customary to share your phone or computer only with people you trust. Sure, there are several countermeasures which can help minimize casual attacks, such as always making sure you log out of your browser account, clearing your cookies, etc. That said, in most cases, it's impossible to prevent a motivated attacker from causing damage if you allow them to use your OS account.

Even if Google web applications and browsers were hardened to prevent the above attacks, evildoers could still:

  • Install a malicious keylogger browser extension to exfiltrate all passwords
  • Scan the memory to extract pieces of browsing history
  • Simply replace the browser with a malicious look-alike (e.g. making the log out functionality do nothing)
  • Install any other malware
  • Install a CA certificate and setup an HTTP proxy to be able to decrypt your network traffic and reuse the tokens while you're still logged in

Because the operating system itself does not protect against attackers with this level of access, any fix we could implement would be easy to bypass. We hold the belief that it's impossible to win this arms race without significantly changing how the web, browsers, or operating systems work. This view is shared by the Chrome Security Team, in fact, they've already written about it.


Unless you have identified an attack that substantially undermines these assumptions, reports pointing out vulnerabilities that can only be exploited when the attacker is logged in to the same OS account as the victim will almost certainly not qualify for a reward or credit.

  • Bug Reports for Local Attacks? – ft. Farah