Understanding Secrets in URLs (and IDORs)

There are many different types of identifiers that are used in URLs all over the internet to reference resources, and sometimes these referenced resources are meant to be private. In order to ensure that only authorized users can access private resources, developers have different options: they can implement authorization through account sessions, or, alternatively, through passwords and other secrets.

A very common vulnerability type related to this area is referred to as “IDOR” (Insecure Direct Object Reference). If an attacker can access a sensitive private resource simply by knowing its ID, it might be an IDOR vulnerability. However, and this is vital, there also needs to be a clear path for the attacker to discover the needed ID.

For example, unlisted YouTube videos are identified by a string consisting of 11 characters (for example: v=ekT65PmCNvk). If you know this ID, you can access the video. But, this does not constitute an IDOR vulnerability in itself because it fails the second test – is there a way for an attacker to discover the ID? If you think of the secret video ID ekT65PmCNvk as a kind of password, then it should become clear that it is actually a very secure eleven-character-long password. This means that an attacker cannot simply guess arbitrary video IDs, and that this is not a security vulnerability.


When looking for vulnerabilities related to secrets and random IDs in URLs, always think of how an attacker would get to know the secret in the first place. Especially for attacks that require guessing a secret, it can quickly become impossible to do so in a realistic timeframe. Accordingly, reports describing vulnerabilities based on guessing complex random IDs are almost always not eligible for reward or credit.

  • IDORs and Secrets in URLs – ft. John Hammond