Auth Bypass Bugs
Auth bypass vulnerability reports are challenging for the Google security team because they often require a deep understanding of the product in order to understand and differentiate between intended behavior and security problems.
When reporting a bug like this, we ask you to consider three things:
1. There can be two or more equivalent permissions
In a Role-Based Access Control system, everything that is not allowed is forbidden. But at the same time, there can be more than one way to allow the same action.
In other words, not having permission to do something doesn't always mean that it can't be done, it might just need to be done differently. Services with very granular permissions, or services that can be managed through more than one product often have equivalent sets of permissions that might give the impression of lateral escalation vulnerabilities.
For example, if an owner revokes the "Move" permission from a user, but leaves the "Copy" and "Delete" permissions, those permissions still allow the user to perform actions that are equivalent to moving a file. The user just has to copy the file to the new location and delete the old file. Even if the owner revokes the "Move" permission, that doesn't stop the user from doing something equivalent to it with the other permissions they have.
When processing reports of this type, we consider whether the intended use of the product is likely to require granular revocation or restrictions of privileges (e.g. in a corporate environment), and whether the revocation of privileges is clear enough to the owner. Reports of this type might require input from our privacy, abuse, or legal teams, so they might take significantly longer to resolve. It is common that these issues are not resolved by spot implementation fixes, but by large-scale, longer term product redesign.
2. Multiple roles can include the same permissions
If there are two roles that grant the same permission, and your report claims that only one of the roles should grant the permission, consider the negative security impact of doing so.
If an owner who wants to grant this permission to a user, has to grant the user a more privileged role, that might force the owner to give more permissions to a user than they should have. Based on the least-privilege principle, it might be safer to grant a permission to a role, than to grant another role (which includes that permission, and more) to a user.
When processing reports of this type, we consider if the role you are proposing as an alternative is significantly more privileged than the permission at hand. If, in balance, it is better for the permission to stay on the less privileged role, we might just adjust the documentation to make it more clear.
For example:
- If the documentation says "Users must have the OWNER role on the file to change the file name", and you find out that a user with the EDITOR role is also able to change the file name, we consider this to be a vulnerability, because the documentation explicitly requires the EDITOR role (the word must implies an obligation).
- If the documentation says "The OWNER of the file can change the filename", then we might just fix the documentation to clarify that an EDITOR is also able to change the file name (the word can implies a possibility, but not an obligation).
Note that we might make exceptions in some cases, when it is clear that the intent of the product was to restrict access, regardless of the documentation. In case of doubt, we'll ask the team for input.
3. Some access control checks might not be obvious externally
Often, for usability reasons, some interfaces don't show or expose all the functionality that the user is permitted to use. If you find out that it is possible to access some functionality that the UI does not permit by calling an API or making an HTTP request, please consider if the permission is really unintended and has actual security-related consequences.
In order to centralize access control checks as much as possible, and reduce the possibility of errors, permissions are often checked very deep in the stack, as close as possible to the data they control, and are done in such a way that works for all interfaces into the service. The internal way to represent these permissions follows some internal logic that is usually documented in internal technical documentation.
On the other hand, external facing documentation often describes how the end user interfaces work, and what functionality and use-cases are implemented. This means that it is possible that external documentation only explains the intended functionality available to the roles, without going deep into the details of every permission implemented in the service.
When processing reports of this type, we take into consideration the practical security-related consequences to the product (including whether the access has any security impact or not), and how the product might change in the future (including possible future features and internal functionality). Ultimately, it is possible that the only change to be made as a result of a bug report of this kind is a documentation change, or that the bug can be simply closed as "working as intended".
For example, it is possible that querying public data through an otherwise admin-only interface returns public data instead of an error. Or it is possible that some fields that are meant to be secret are returned as empty values (zeros, empty strings, default values, or similar), as they are filtered out deeper in the stack. It is also possible that certain functionality is only accessible through an API, or by modifying HTTP requests.
Hunting for Authentication and Authorization Bugs – ft. LiveOverflow