
Secure by Design: Google's Blueprint for a High-Assurance Web Framework

David Dworken
Software Engineer
Lukas Weichselbaum
Software Engineer
Published: Feb 4, 2025
Security Engineering Web Security

Secure by Design: Google's Blueprint for a High-Assurance Web Framework

Google maintains one of the world's largest ecosystems of web applications. Depending on how you count, we have either hundreds or several thousand of distinct web services, most of which are sensitive from a security perspective. The size of our web app ecosystem has grown substantially in the past decade, which one might expect to have led to a similar growth in the number of security vulnerabilities affecting our services. In reality, however, we've actually managed to reduce the number of critical web vulnerabilities like XSS in our applications by over an order of magnitude, all while supporting this ever-growing ecosystem.

Fig. 1. This graph shows the number of XSS vulnerabilities reported to us through our Vulnerability Rewards Program over time. Despite an increasing number of web apps and increasing reward amounts, the number of reported vulnerabilities has consistently trended downwards. It is worth noting that for hundreds of services that have fully adopted recommended high-assurance web frameworks, the number of XSS vulnerabilities is even lower (~1 per year across all of Google).

This significant security improvement can be directly linked to our commitment to Secure by Design principles, which we wrote about in this recent whitepaper. This blog post aims to provide a detailed blueprint for how Google has created and deployed a high-assurance web framework that almost completely eliminates exploitable web vulnerabilities.

The Challenges of Web Security

The web was originally envisioned as a system to link and share information, and it excelled at these goals. Over time this has led to the web growing in scope such that it is now the standard channel through which users interact with many applications, some of which manage users' most sensitive personal data. This makes web security critical, but it requires building on top of a platform–what we call "the web platform"–that was not originally designed with such applications in mind. This created a situation where security was essentially an afterthought for the web platform and has led to what we have come to refer to as the "3 original sins" of web security:

  1. (lack of) Encryption: Easy to build an application without encryption-in-transit
  2. Injection: The web's core building blocks (HTML, JS, URLs) allow easily mixing code and data
  3. (lack of) Isolation: Cross-origin interactions between different applications are allowed by default

Each of these factors made the web platform easy to adopt and were conducive to the explosive growth of the web. At the same time, these factors also lead to a wide range of critical vulnerability classes:

  1. (lack of) Encryption: Easy to build an application without encryption-in-transit

    → By default, the web is unencrypted and data is visible over the network. Unencrypted data allows MITM attackers to intercept and modify web apps in a variety of malicious ways.

  2. Injection: The web's core building blocks (HTML, JS, URLs) allow easily mixing code and data

    → Mixing code and data makes it possible for data (e.g. the title of a photo album or a blog) to be misinterpreted as code, leading to issues like XSS vulnerabilities.

  3. (lack of) Isolation: Cross-origin interactions are allowed by default

    → Cross-origin interactions between different applications allow malicious websites to interact with sensitive apps and lead to issues like XSRF, clickjacking, and several types of XS-Leaks.

It is worth drawing attention to the fact that almost all web vulnerabilities can be connected to one of these risks. This is why Google takes a platform-centric approach to security where we partner closely with Chrome, the W3C, and other web browser vendors to evolve the web platform, with the goal of fixing as many of these risks in the web platform as possible. But, where this isn't possible to do by-default, we need to ensure that our web applications are still comprehensively defended against such vulnerabilities. And this is where our blueprint for a high-assurance web framework comes in.

A quick note on web security: Our focus here on web security vulnerabilities stems from the fact that almost all Google services are exposed as web apps, where a client-side vulnerability like an XSS could completely compromise a user's data. So while it may seem like XSS is less impactful than attacks performed directly against web servers such as remote code executions or SQL injection, XSS vulnerabilities are extremely critical to Google and something that we go to great lengths to prevent. It is also worth noting that similar reasoning is why MITRE currently ranks XSS as the #1 software security weakness across the industry.

Elements of a high-assurance web framework

In our experience, there are three critical components that work together to achieve a high-assurance web framework:

#1: Safe Coding

"Safe Coding" is the term we use for our approach to ensuring that developers can write code in a way that is secure-by-design, without having to think about security. The fundamental goal of Safe Coding is to ensure that security is easy and automatic for developers.

This is done by ensuring that the default behavior is secure, and that guardrails exist to prevent security regressions. Our goal is to ensure that if code compiles and runs successfully, it is secure. While this may seem simple, we've learned that achieving this while preserving a positive developer experience is difficult, but essential. Ultimately, developers are just trying to accomplish their goal of building and shipping a delightful web app for our users. And we need to ensure that rather than saying "No" to a developer's question, we always can say "Yes! The secure way is…". This is rooted in one of our team mottos: "empathy for the developer".

#2: Adaptability

Due to changes in the web platform and novel security research, security is an ever-moving target, which means we need to ensure that our approach to web security is adaptable, allowing us to adjust to whatever may come in the future. We continually perform in-depth research to ensure that our web frameworks are defending us and our users against both classic and newly emerging security vulnerabilities. When we find a gap, we go through the process of:

  1. Designing new security mechanisms. This often starts with designing new targeted mitigations for our own frameworks and libraries to test our ideas and prove they work. But from there, we frequently try to upstream our solutions to the web platform where they can benefit as many people as possible.
  2. Enabling these new security mitigations by default and adding guardrails to prevent regressions (see #1 Safe Coding)
  3. Running large-scale changes to enable these new security mitigations for existing services
  4. Measuring progress on our rollouts to understand mitigation coverage (see #3 Observability)

The goal of this process is that once an application is built on a high-assurance web framework, application owners will typically not have to worry about the treadmill of keeping up with the joneses security. Adopting new security mitigations is done transparently and centrally, without any required action from application owners. See this post for a more detailed description of how we approach this.

#3: Observability

The last key component of a high-assurance web framework is observability. In order to make the above components work, it is essential for the security team to have a deep understanding of the security posture of every application. Of course, a manual approach to observability would not scale, so instead we rely on building observability features into frameworks and infrastructure that allow us to understand framework behavior, security feature adoption, and much much more. See our Security Signals paper which explains how we've made web security measurable at Google.

Key Security Controls

At this point, one might ask: So what exactly are the security controls that make up a high-assurance web framework? We want to emphasize that this is an evolving list, and that enabling every feature in the below table is not enough to guarantee that an application will be safe. A true high-assurance web framework needs to enable these features, but also do so in a scalable and adaptable way that preserves the developer experience and prevents regressions.

With that context, here is the current list of features automatically enabled by our high-assurance web frameworks:

Control Risk Category Description
Secure cookies Encryption All cookies should use the `Secure` attribute to ensure they're only available to pages that use HTTPS.
HTTPS Redirects Encryption All HTTP responses should redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.
HSTS Encryption All HTTP responses should use HSTS to ensure that browsers default to HTTPS URLs.
XSRF Protection Isolation All state-changing endpoints should deploy strong protections against XSRF vulnerabilities.
SameSite cookies Isolation All cookies should use the `SameSite` attribute to ensure that they are not attached to cross-site requests.
Framing Protections Isolation All pages should deploy framing protections to prevent untrusted third-parties from iframing sensitive pages.
Cross-Origin Opener Policy Isolation All pages should deploy COOP to prevent untrusted third-party pages from opening them in a popup and interacting with them.
Fetch Metadata Protections Isolation All pages should deploy Fetch Metadata protections to block cross-site requests by default.
Cross-Origin Resource Policy Isolation All pages should set the CORP header to prevent them from being loaded in unexpected cross-site contexts.
Hostname Validation Isolation All services should validate the `Host` header and reject requests with unexpected values.
JS/TS Conformance Injection All services should use compile-time conformance to block JS/TS code from using unsafe patterns.
SafeResponse Types Injection An automated conformance check should ensure that all HTTP responses are built via API abstractions that guarantee that they are constructed in an XSS-free way, for example via a safe auto-escaping template system.
Contextual Auto-Escaping Template System Injection All HTML responses should be built by a template system that supports contextual auto-escaping to guarantee the response is free of XSS vulnerabilities.
Default Content-Type Injection All HTTP responses should explicitly set a `Content-Type` header. If this is missing, responses should default to a safe value (e.g. `text/plain`).
HttpOnly cookies Injection All cookies should use the `HttpOnly` attribute to ensure that they are not accessible to client-side JS.
Strict CSP Injection All pages should deploy a Strict nonce-based CSP to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities.
Trusted Types Injection All pages should deploy Trusted Types to mitigate DOM-XSS vulnerabilities.
Allowlist CSP Injection All pages should deploy an allowlist CSP to constrain the set of allowed JS sources to reviewed and trusted JS serving hosts. This helps mitigate runtime supply chain attacks.
Strict dependency controls Injection All libraries consumed at build-time should be reviewed to mitigate build-time supply chain attacks.
JS Integrity Validation Injection All pages should validate the integrity of all included scripts to ensure they are not modified between build-time and runtime.
Prototype Pollution Mitigations Injection All pages should deploy mitigations against Prototype Pollution.

It is worth emphasizing: Everything in this list is maintained by the security team. With our high-assurance web frameworks, application owners don't need to be aware of any of these features–they all are enabled and work out of the box. Some of these features do constrain the code that application owners write (e.g. they'll block writing code such as document.body.innerHTML = "foo") but this is a purposeful part of our "Safe Coding" approach to security described in a previous post.

Fig. 2. A typical response of an application built on our high-assurance web framework where security-relevant HTTP response headers are enabled by default.

Case Study: XSS Mitigations

We can examine how these different security controls layer together to provide high-assurance protections through a short case-study. We can examine the question of: What would it take for an XSS to occur with all of these mitigations enabled?

The classic XSS vectors are all mitigated:

  1. Reflected & Persistent XSS: Mitigated by SafeResponse Types, Contextual Auto-Escaping Template System, and Strict CSP
    • For a reflected or persistent XSS to occur, it would need to involve a SafeResponse bypass, a vulnerability in the templating system, and a bypass of the strict CSP.
  2. DOM XSS: Mitigated by JS/TS Conformance, Strict CSP, and Trusted Types
    • For a DOM XSS to occur, it would need to bypass our compile-time JS/TS conformance, the strict CSP, and Trusted Types.

On top of this, other types of XSS are also mitigated:

  • Prototype Pollution → XSS: Mitigated by freezing and sealing the prototype chain.
  • Supplychain attacks → XSS: Mitigated by the allowlist CSP.

Taken together, the above mitigations bring us to the point where we can be very confident that applications built on a high-assurance web framework are free of XSS flaws.


We hope that our approach to building and deploying a high-assurance web framework can serve as an existence proof that it is possible to scalably build secure web applications. In the past 3 years, for hundreds of complex web applications built on our high-assurance web framework, we've averaged less than one XSS report per year—not per application, but across all of them! This demonstrates that it truly is practical (and cost-effective) to build secure web applications, at scale, via high-assurance web frameworks. The key advantages of these frameworks is that they offer:

  • High Assurance & Reduced Vulnerabilities: We've analyzed data from both our VRP and internal research and the data is clear: secure frameworks drastically reduce the number of exploitable web vulnerabilities.
  • Multiple Layers of Protection: We deploy multiple layers of protection, both at compile-time and runtime, to ensure defense-in-depth. This ensures that if there is a gap in any of our protections, it is likely to be stopped by one of the multiple overlapping layers of protection.
  • Increased Developer Productivity: By letting the framework handle security, we free developers from having to think about security and enable them to focus on their core product goals. We also have sped up product launches by enabling automated launch reviews for products built on secure frameworks.
  • Improved Maintainability: Thanks to built-in adaptability and observability, our secure frameworks are easy to maintain and can be extended in the future as needed.

As always with security, there is no silver bullet. But we believe that a framework-centric approach to security is as close as we can get to eliminating decades-old vulnerabilities like XSS and XSRF once and for all. We've built these frameworks internally, but we strongly believe that the broader web ecosystem would also benefit from adopting many of these ideas to provide high-security assurances and we aim to bring this idea to the external open source web ecosystem in the future.