
A Recipe for Scaling Security

David Dworken
Information Security Engineer
Published: Jan 22, 2024
Web Security

A Recipe for Scaling Security

For a long time now, Google’s security superpower has been uplifting security at scale. There are vastly more engineers at Google dedicated to creating and maintaining new products, than there are security engineers working to secure products. This means that from the start, Google security has had to focus on operating at scale and finding ways to make meaningful security improvements across Google’s vast portfolio of services.

In the past, we've talked about our safe coding approach where we prevent vulnerabilities at scale by baking security invariants directly into the platform. Safe coding undoubtedly works and we’ve seen a significant reduction of vulnerabilities in numerous large-scale applications that have adopted this methodology. For more information on our safe coding approach, check out this paper or this talk.

But, as we ratchet our safe coding platform to be more and more secure, we always run the risk that some existing services are left behind. If we ban an unsafe API, what happens to the code that is already using it? An optimist might say that it is ok to leave the potentially vulnerable code as-is (in a way, creating security tech debt), since it will soon be outnumbered by the ever-growing quantity of new safe code. But, this brings us to the second half of Google’s safe coding superpower: Not only do we make the development platform safe-by-default, we continually work to modernize old code and bring it up to modern security standards.

Google has gotten continually better at this, and in 2023 we had some huge accomplishments in terms of modernizing and improving our code at scale. This blog post will explore what it takes to achieve this, the ways it has improved Google’s security for all of our users, and provide a blueprint for other companies interested in adopting this strategy.

A brief history of backporting security features

Our approach to scaling security has evolved over time, and to learn from that, it is interesting to look at how we approached rolling out Strict CSPs across Google's web applications (a project dating back to ~2016). We started with a question: How can we mitigate XSS vulnerabilities at scale? We did security research, worked with browser vendors to support new CSP directives, and built complex integrations across frameworks, templating systems, and custom infrastructure to collect reports. We then worked hands on with specific partner teams to roll out CSP for critical services. We proved that CSP could be deployed, and that it was an effective defense against XSS. We then changed the defaults so that newly launched services enforced CSP by default, ensuring that all newly created services are safe-by-default. This alone is an extremely important step, and achieving this safe-by-default state is why new Google products (like Bard) launch with many web mitigations enabled from the very start (at this point, including CSP, Trusted Types, and many more).

But then we had to figure out: How do we scale this? We could see that there were tons of Google services that weren’t enforcing CSP! For this step, we built custom tooling to find services that lacked CSP, and we filed bugs with service owners asking them to adopt CSP. All in all, we filed almost ~800 distinct bugs as part of the CSP adoption efforts and this enabled CSP to become a core defense. Nowadays, CSP blocks a large fraction of XSS vulnerabilities reported to us by external security researchers through our Vulnerability Rewards Program (though if you’re a security researcher, and CSP is spoiling your fun, please do still send us a report—we’re still interested in finding, fixing, and rewarding these!).

Looking back, we can do some napkin math to estimate the costs of this: If we assume that each fixed bug took at least 5 days of effort (a generous assumption for a service owner to learn about CSP, roll out report-only, refactor some blockers, and roll out enforcement) and that each bug that was marked as “Won’t Fix” took at least a half day to investigate and triage, we come up with an estimate that this took at least 4 engineering years of effort across Google. And it took a massive amount of our own team’s resources since we had to have individual conversations with tons of product teams, often explaining the same pieces of knowledge to many distinct teams.

The magical tools and techniques that enable security at scale

We learned a lot from our experience of rolling out CSP at scale, and our primary learning was that we didn’t want to repeat that same process for every security feature. We needed to scale. The non-scalability of our previous approach is especially obvious when looking at what it would mean to take that approach for every security feature. Looking at our roadmaps, we had at least three different critical web security features we wanted to roll out in the next couple years. And assuming the same ratios, this would consume another 12 engineering years of effort across Google! And that was just for the web security features that we already had in the pipeline, so it didn’t count the many different mitigations being developed across Google’s large security team, or future projects. So it was obvious that we needed to scale.

To scale, we realized that we needed a mindset shift, more data, and more tooling. We needed to shift to thinking of ourselves as responsible for the full lifecycle of a security feature, not just the development. More data so that we could precisely determine when a change was safe to make. And more tooling so that we could safely make these changes.

A mindset shift

Once we committed to the idea of owning the rollouts for our security features, we needed to understand what this means. At Google, there are thousands of distinct services, so this is by definition operating at a huge scale. This is generally made easier thanks to Google’s monorepo, but having a monorepo isn’t necessarily required to make large-scale rollouts work.

Then we had to consider what mindset shifts this requires. One of the largest ones is that as owners of large changes, we needed to think very critically about reliability. Every change has a risk of breaking something, which harms users and makes engineers just a little bit more skeptical of the security team. We needed to have empathy for our users, and for the many engineers at Google working to develop great products, so we needed to prioritize reliability. We came up with an internal checklist to ensure that we prioritize reliability every step of the way—by focusing on proper documentation/communication (e.g. clear error messages with links to the relevant documentation and announcing changes internally), technical validation (e.g. thorough cross-browser testing), and clear rollback plans (e.g. ensuring that changes can be rolled back quickly and centrally). We also developed custom data sources and tooling to help avoid breakages.

More data

When approaching large-scale rollouts, there are two broad classes of data that we came to rely on:

  1. Horizontal data that covers wide swathes of our infrastructure. This allows broad measurements to understand the scope of a rollout (because you can’t measure the impact of a rollout if you don’t know what you’re covering and what gaps you have!) and broad information on compatibility.
    • We’ve built a highly custom framework to collect and process aggregated and anonymized traffic logs across all Alphabet web properties called Security Signals. With Security Signals, it becomes trivial to answer complex questions like “Give me the list of services that serve HTML files without CSP, on sensitive domains, grouped by serving framework, and sorted by traffic count”.
    • A more standard solution is to use metrics (like Prometheus or StatsD) to increment a counter (often associated with various tags). This makes it possible to query a counter across all Google services, for example to count how often an event is occurring and where.
  2. Precision-focused data that precisely collects information about specific noteworthy events. This allows gathering more specific information and metadata, for example gathering a stack trace or the exact server-side endpoint that caused a problem. This is often used to inform the design of new security features since it makes it possible to understand what real behavior is happening at runtime, which informs what mitigations are likely to be widely compatible. And then, once a feature has been designed, precision-focused data makes it possible to confirm with a high degree of certainty that a feature is safe from a reliability perspective.
    • We’ve built a highly custom set of infrastructure to consume “reports” (e.g. from the Reporting API), process them (e.g. deduplication and custom integrations to allow linking one report directly to the code that triggered it), and make them easily queryable. This central telemetry-collection infrastructure has come in handy for all kinds of remediations, ranging from CSP to log4shell.
    • A more standard solution is to use application logging, likely combined with emitting information to a globally shared log destination that can be globally queried.

More tools

In addition to the custom data tools mentioned above, there are other tools that are key to making large-scale changes in a reliable manner. Just to mention a few:

  1. Rosie makes it possible to send out hundreds of changes for review, run all automated tests, and easily manage feedback and submission. Rosie also has the ability to send changes to special global approvers who bulk approve the changes, enabling us to submit known-safe changes across Google without bothering product teams to ask them for individual reviews.
  2. A set of custom compile-time checks make up a system we call conformance that makes it possible to restrict certain “bad” types of changes at compile time. One extremely key part of this is preventing backsliding, so that once a security improvement has been landed, it can't be rolled back without the security team being looped in. Conformance is also key to encouraging convergence, where we want to guide newly built services to be built on secure frameworks from the start. We’ve open sourced Error Prone and tsec which make these sorts of rules easy to enforce for Java and TypeScript.
  3. Experiment systems make it possible to gradually ramp up a change at runtime. We've built custom experiment systems that make it possible to ramp up a change gradually across large swaths of Google’s services, and easily roll it back if we detect any issues. When combined with the above data sources, this increases reliability and velocity.

2023’s landings

With that introduction, we can now talk about some of what we've accomplished in the last year of security rollouts at Google! This is a small subset of the security rollouts we've done in the past year, focusing just on web security features that landed:

Some more napkin math comes up with an estimate that these 6 rollouts alone would have taken Google at least 20 engineering years of work if done in the traditional manner. By having the security team take on these rollouts centrally, we were able to land all these security features with a tiny fraction of that effort. This increases velocity for both the security team (leading to more secure products!) and for product teams (enabling product teams to ship better products!) and is a huge win for the user. All of this demonstrates what we see as the full safe coding approach, where we uplift security at scale, for everyone. To understand the full impact of this, we can also look at our overall security feature coverage, where we can see amazing statistics such as 96% of our most sensitive services enforcing CSP, and 80% of our most sensitive services enforcing Trusted Types. Across hundreds of web apps built on top of our secure frameworks that comprehensively enable these and other security mechanisms (such as safe server-side HTML templating), we have seen zero XSS vulnerabilities since the features were enforced.

If you're interested in a more detailed description of what this sort of project looks like end-to-end, check out this blog post on fixing debug log leakage with Safe Coding. This highlights many of the complexities inherent to doing large-scale rollouts, but is also a great story of a massively scalable security improvement across Google. Also, watch out for future blog posts in this series where we'll talk more about these rollouts and the tools and techniques that power them!