Why Hybrid Deployments Are Key to Secure PQC Migration
In our last blog post we discussed Google's threat model and how it is driving our response to the post-quantum cryptography (PQC) transition, including how we prioritize the risks. In addition, we shared our recommendations for adapting to the risks quantum computing poses for your data. One of these recommendations was to use a hybrid deployment approach. In this blog post we’ll explore the advantages of a hybrid deployment in a world of post-quantum cryptography, take a deep dive into the reasons behind our recommendation, and offer guidance on how to implement hybrid schemes.
What is a hybrid deployment?
In this context, the concept of hybrid deployment [1] is relatively straightforward. It is a combination of two public key algorithms drawing from:
- Classical cryptography: An algorithm we currently rely on like ECDH or ECDSA.
- Post-quantum cryptography (PQC): A new algorithm specifically designed to be resistant to attacks powered by quantum computers.
Hybrids employ both families of algorithms simultaneously, providing layered defense against both classical and potential quantum adversaries. Any secure hybrid construction must guarantee that the overall system is at least as secure as the strongest algorithm used in the hybrid. In other words: Combining schemes in a hybrid must never weaken the security of the individual underlying cryptographic algorithms.
The rationale for hybrids
Let's dive into why hybrid constructions offer distinct advantages during this complex transitional period:
- Mitigating risks associated with new algorithms: Post-quantum algorithms, while promising, haven't undergone the decades of scrutiny and real-world testing that our current systems have. This applies both to algorithmic scrutiny, but especially to the implementation side as well. For this reason, it's prudent to avoid complete reliance on these newer algorithms. By retaining our well-understood cryptography while gradually integrating PQC, we hedge our bets, ensuring that unexpected flaws in a post-quantum algorithm or implementation do not introduce new vulnerabilities.
- A safe transition: Migrating entire cryptographic infrastructures to new post-quantum algorithms is an enormous undertaking. Hybrid constructions create a gradual, flexible path to adoption. Organizations can more quickly introduce and test PQC while maintaining operational security based on the robust systems they already have in place.
The efficacy of hybrids has been validated by tests we’ve run in the past: By deploying PQC in a hybrid fashion, we ran experiments in Chrome (2016, 2019) on real traffic without putting user data at risk. These experiments showed that it is practical to protect user data against a quantum adversary, while ensuring that in the worst case, it was still as secure as classical protections without using PQC. This was not a theoretical scenario. The PQC portion of CECPQ2b using SIKE we employed turned out to be broken, but all data in that experiment was still protected by the classical X25519 algorithm.
It’s important to note that while a cryptographically relevant quantum computer (CRQC) could break classical cryptographic algorithms, it is very unlikely that 1) access to a CRQC will be available immediately to all adversaries and 2) the costs for carrying out an attack will be low. We expect that if and when CRQC first become available, in many cases the additional layer of the classical algorithms will still provide a worthwhile security benefit.
The cost debate
Hybrid deployments do not come for free. They can have a negative performance impact and add complexity.
- Protocol complexity: Hybrid constructions may lead to additional complexity for protocol designers. Designers will have to decide how to combine schemes. If too many schemes are available, it could quickly lead to a combinatorial explosion of options that need to be supported by all implementations.
- Implementation complexity: Implementing two cryptographic algorithms increases engineering costs and leads to a larger attack surface. However, in most cases there are already vetted implementations of classical crypto systems available and deployed, and the main costs and risks come from the addition of the new PQC algorithm. The hybrid constructions we recommend here are simple and easy to implement, while more complex constructions could introduce additional risks for implementations.
- Computational cost: Hybrid solutions have a negative performance impact, however, in many cases the overhead caused by the PQC algorithm already dominates, especially in terms of parameter sizes. For example, if a Kyber768 ciphertext is 1088 bytes and you include an additional 32-byte X25519 shared secret, the impact is negligible. Similarly a Dilithium3 signature is 3309 bytes, whereas an Ed25519 signature only requires 64 additional bytes.
- It’s not a permanent solution: Deploying a hybrid solution may mean having to do two PQC migrations. First to introduce a hybrid scheme, and later a second migration when cryptographically relevant quantum computers become available and reduce / remove the benefit of the classical algorithm and mean it should be removed.
Our recommendations
To simplify integration and minimize security risks, we strongly recommend encapsulating hybrid constructions within a single, well-defined type. For instance, a hybrid KEM combining X25519 and Kyber768 should be presented as a new, standalone algorithm. This approach hides implementation details, making the hybrid scheme indistinguishable from any other algorithm for the end user.
This strategy comes with several advantages. It simplifies usage, making the hybrid scheme as straightforward to implement as any other algorithm on a higher level. Additionally, it prevents accidental key material reuse between hybrid and traditional systems. While a hybrid signature compatible with legacy protocols might seem convenient, it introduces complexity and enables potential downgrade attacks.
We strictly recommend not using hybrids as a means to ease the legacy transition or provide backward compatibility. Always use distinct key material for hybrid and non-hybrid schemes.
Our main recommendations for actual constructions are:
- For KEMs using the X-Wing combiner.
- For signatures simply using two signature schemes in parallel.
A deeper dive into hybrid constructions
In the following two sections, we will discuss in detail what approaches have been proposed so far to deploy PQC in a hybrid way. In particular, we want to highlight that there have been many competing proposals, with subtle differences which can make the space of hybrid constructions confusing.
Key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs)
The goal of a hybrid KEM is to have a single shared secret between two parties, which is derived from a key encapsulation (or key agreement) combining a PQC and a classical algorithm like ECDH. A good implementation should be guaranteed to be as strong as the stronger of the two algorithms.
Recent efforts have proposed numerous candidates for KEM combiners defined in IETF drafts including:
- Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3
- Combiner function for hybrid key encapsulation mechanisms (Hybrid KEMs)
- Chempat: Generic Instantiated PQ/T Hybrid Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
- X25519Kyber768Draft00 hybrid post-quantum key agreement
- X-Wing: general-purpose hybrid post-quantum KEM
- Composite ML-KEM for Use in the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure and CMS
Each of these candidates proposes a different approach to KEM combiners.
NIST SP 800-56C
allows generating a hybrid shared secret via the concatenation: Z’ = Z || T
NIST is working toward an additional special publication providing further
guidance on KEMs (see NIST FIPS 203
referencing “Special Publication 800-227: Recommendations for key-encapsulation
In Chrome we’ve used different hybrid options in the past:
- In 2016: CECPQ1, which used X25519 and NewHope.
- In 2019:
CECPQ2 (and
CECPQ2b), which used X25519+HRSS and X25519+SIKE and
HKDF(shared_secret_A || shared_secret_B)
to derive the shared secret. At Google, we’ve also been using the CECPQ2 hybrid in ALTS. - In 2023:
which uses
secret_A || secret_B
, and the result in the TLS 1.3 key derivation.
Note that these “simple” concatenation-based KEM combiners are only effective due to the nature of TLS key derivation (as you already include a hash of the full transcript in the KDF).
For most applications, a single well-defined hybrid combiner like X-Wing would be preferable. The main benefits of this construction are that it is simple, efficient, and comes with a security proof.
While generic combiners may be desirable for some use cases, they come with
several drawbacks. First, implementers need to be careful how to construct the
combiner. For example, a simple KDF (secret_A || secret_B
) combiner may not
achieve IND-CCA
for all possible KEM choices. A generic combiner (e.g.
https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/024.pdf) providing security for all possible
instantiations would introduce additional overhead (like including all
ciphertexts in the KDF part), which may not be necessary for particular choices
of KEM.
For general use, we recommend using signatures in parallel, ideally in a to-be-defined standard way, fixing two signature schemes like X-Wing does in the case of KEMs.
The goal of a hybrid signature is to have a single signature for a message, which only verifies if a valid signature for both underlying signature schemes has been created. A good implementation should be guaranteed to be as strong as the stronger of the two algorithms.
Similar to KEMs, there are many options to consider regarding how signatures could be combined. Fortunately, simply producing the two signatures in parallel and only accepting the signature if both of them are verified is sufficient to have a hybrid scheme which provides unforgeability and is very simple to implement:
HybridKeyGen() -> (secret_hybrid, public_hybrid)
secret_classic, public_classic <- ClassicalKeyGen()
secret_pqc, public_pqc <- PQCKeyGen()
return ((secret_classic, secret_pqc), (public_classic, public_pqc))
HybridSign(secret_hybrid, message) -> (signature_hybrid)
secret_classic, secret_pqc <- secret_hybrid
signature_classic <- ClassicalSign(secret_classic, message)
signature_pqc <- PQCSign(secret_pqc, message)
return (signature_classic, signature_pqc)
HybridVerify(public_hybrid, Message, signature_hybrid) -> Accept / Reject
public_classic, public_pqc <- public_hybrid
signature_classic, signature_pqc <- signature
return ClassicalVerify(public_classic, message, signature_classic) == Accept &&
PQCVerify(public_pqc, message, signature_pqc) == Accept
Other combiners can provide additional properties: In security keys, we opted to nest signatures to eliminate the malleability of ECDSA when combined in a Dilithium+ECDSA hybrid signature. Properties like non-separability (see https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/423, or https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hale-pquip-hybrid-signature-spectrums/) have been studied, which can prevent stripping or reusing parts of the signature, to create a valid non-hybrid signature for one of the underlying keys. However, these combiners come with additional complexity and if the key material is strictly separated between hybrid and non-hybrid keys, we see a very limited benefit in aiming for these additional separability properties.
We hope this post has helped make a case for our initial recommendation regarding cryptographic protections against post-quantum computing, the adoption of hybrid deployments, and what to consider when following this approach.
Look out for our next posts on PQC – as the state of the art evolves, so will our guidance and recommended best practices!
[1] The term hybrid is unfortunately also used to describe the concept of combining a public key encryption scheme with a symmetric key encryption scheme to encrypt data, like for instance in HPKE.