
Google's Threat model for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Sophie Schmieg
Information Security Engineer
Stefan Kölbl
Information Security Engineer
Guillaume Endignoux
Software Engineer
Published: Mar 11, 2024
Post-Quantum Cryptography

Google's Threat model for Post-Quantum Cryptography

If we do not encrypt our data with a quantum-secure algorithm right now, an attacker who is able to store current communication will be able to decrypt it in as soon as a decade. This store-now-decrypt-later attack is the main motivator behind the current adoption of post-quantum cryptography (PQC), but other future quantum computing threats also require a well-thought out plan for migrating our current, classical cryptographic algorithms to PQC.

This is the first of a series of blog posts in the Bug Hunters blog, dedicated to the topic of PQC, where we in Google's Cryptography team share our latest thoughts and reasons about the PQC migration, starting with the threat model we are working with.

Given the long timelines, our stances may evolve over time, with this blog post reflecting our understanding at the beginning of 2024.

Prioritization Considerations

The main considerations for prioritizing quantum threats that we will explore more deeply in this post are:

  • Feasibility of the quantum attack in question.
  • Existence of store-now-decrypt-later attacks.
  • Use cases that require fixed public keys with decades of lifetime.
  • Need for exploratory research on systems that might require substantial redesign to work with post-quantum algorithms, especially where wider industry collaboration is required.


Quantum computers threaten cryptography mainly through two algorithms: Shor's algorithm for factoring integers and solving discrete logarithms and Grover's search, which can invert a black-box function. As mentioned, a major consideration for prioritization is whether a system today is already at risk if an adversary will get access to a quantum computer in the future. Storing ciphertexts now and decrypting them later is a prime example for this, requiring a PQC deployment well before the advent of quantum computers.

Based on this we can roughly group cryptography into four different technologies:

  • Asymmetric encryption and key agreement, using a private/public key pair to establish a key that can then be used for symmetric cryptography. Impacted by Shor's algorithm, and vulnerable to store-now-decrypt-later attacks.
  • Digital signatures, using a private/public key pair to authenticate data and provide non-repudiation. Impacted by Shor's algorithm, but not vulnerable to store-now-decrypt-later attacks.
  • "Fancy" cryptography: This category depends on the specific algorithm and use case, but many privacy preserving techniques (e.g. blind signatures, ORPF, …),will be impacted by Shor's algorithm, and are partially vulnerable to store-now-decrypt-later. Many of these techniques require further research. We recommend a careful assessment of the impact of quantum threats on these schemes.
  • Symmetric cryptography, using a single secret key to encrypt and authenticate data: In our current understanding, symmetric cryptography is not impacted by quantum computers for all practical purposes. Grover's algorithm could be used as an attack here, but is currently considered infeasible for even medium-term quantum computers. (See "Reassessing Grover's Algorithm, 2017")


Thankfully, NIST has been working on standardizing new, quantum-safe algorithms that will address asymmetric encryption and key agreement, as well as digital signatures. As a quick overview, the algorithms look as follows, for our chosen security level.

Algorithm Type Public Key Size Ciphertext/Signature Size
ECDH (classical algorithm) Key Agreement 32 bytes 32 bytes
ECDSA (classical algorithm) Digital Signature 32 bytes 64 bytes
Kyber-768/ML-KEM-768 Key Agreement 1184 bytes 1088 bytes
Dilithium3/ML-DSA-65 Digital Signature 1952 bytes 3309 bytes
SPHINCS+-128s/SLH-DSA-128s Digital Signature 32 bytes 7856 bytes

NIST is planning to release more standards (see here and here), both for key agreement and signatures in order to have schemes based on a wider set of mathematical assumptions and allowing different trade-offs between public key size and ciphertext/signature size. Note that any such future standards will take multiple years to be finalized.

Hybrid deployment

While the currently proposed PQC algorithms have received a lot of cryptanalysis over the last decade, they are still somewhat less mature than classical cryptography, and our recommendation is to use them in a hybrid fashion, which requires an attacker to break both the classical and the post-quantum algorithm. There are some caveats on this topic that we will explore in a future blog post.

Use Cases

Classical Cryptography is pervasively used in modern software and infrastructure. Post-quantum cryptography will impact many existing deployments. With the information from the Background section above in mind, the following use cases are primary concerns and each comes with its own difficulties. While we give our recommendations for the different use cases, please note that standards are still being developed and will be the more definitive guidance for which algorithms to use.

Encryption in Transit

Encryption in transit primarily includes TLS, SSH, secure messaging (like Signal, which is used in RCS, and MLS), and, for Google, ALTS. The main threat here is store-now-decrypt-later. As such, deployment of PQC key encapsulation schemes like Kyber (ML-KEM, FIPS 203) is urgent. In order to mitigate this threat, we only need to add an ephemeral PQC key to the initial key agreement. Long-term PQC keys (e.g. public or private CAs) fall under Public Key Infrastructure and will require community consensus before meaningful deployments can happen.

The good news with encryption in transit is that there are a limited number of stacks. Most relevant to Google are, as mentioned above, TLS, SSH, Signal, and ALTS, which at the time of writing all have started to roll out PQC algorithms. The ephemeral nature of the keys needed for encryption in transit further works in our favor, making this use case, while the most urgent, also the comparatively easiest for both technical and social reasons.

Our current recommendation for encryption in transit is to use Kyber768 for key agreement in hybrid with X25519 or P256.

Firmware Signatures

Firmware signatures are used to secure the root of the secure boot trust chain. The public key for these signatures usually has to be burned into silicon or is otherwise protected from being changed and tampered with. This makes changing the signature scheme for this use case impossible in most cases. For devices with a decade or longer lifespan, we end up in a similar situation as with store-now-decrypt-later attacks, where we need to implement the quantum-safe algorithms now, since we will not be able to change them at a later date. This is further complicated by the long production timelines often involved with hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms.

Our current recommendation for firmware signature is to use the stateless hash-based signature scheme SPHINCS+ (FIPS 205, SLH-DSA).

Software Signatures

Software signatures are similar to firmware signatures and are needed to guarantee secure boot and make deployments resistant to tampering with binaries and source code. Unlike firmware signatures, the public key for software signature can usually be updated and rely on the lower level signatures for authenticity. On top of that, both binaries and source code are usually fairly large, and both signing and verification are not particularly resource constrained. This gives this use case the most flexibility and a relatively relaxed timeline.

This use case is seeing a lot of development, and even though the timeline is relatively relaxed, it might make sense to already include PQ signatures in the standards that are currently being written.

Our current recommendation is to use either Dilithium3 (FIPS 204, ML-DSA) in hybrid with ECDSA/EdDSA/RSA, or SPHINCS+ (FIPS 205, SLH-DSA) for this use case.

Public Key Infrastructure

Public key infrastructure is the infrastructure used to provide authenticity for encryption in transit, as well as reliable identities for machines and people.

PKI usually relies on chains of certificates, i.e. public keys with an attached signature verifiable by a key higher in the chain. This makes PKI in its current form extremely susceptible to size increases from post-quantum schemes. A single Dilithium3 signature + public key is larger than 5kB, making any PKI deployment with intermediaries very expensive. For the Web PKI in particular, we know some devices start failing when packets grow beyond 10 - 30 kB. This problem might be fixable, but a severe performance penalty remains in any case.

There are several alternatives to simply replacing classical signatures with quantum-safe signatures, which could address the performance issues when it comes to PKI. We are currently looking to experiment in this space to gather data for more solid recommendations, which we will share in a future blog post.


Another widespread use of digital signatures is stateless asymmetric tokens, such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Tokens that use symmetric cryptography, or that use stateful techniques as a defense-in-depth measure are not affected by quantum threats. For asymmetric tokens, the main difficulty is the size constraints that they often come with. For example, a token that is supposed to be saved as a cookie has an upper limit of 4096 bytes available for the entire token. A Dilithium3 signature would take up 3309 of those bytes, if encoded in binary, and at 4412 bytes would not fit with this requirement when base64 encoded.

Stateless tokens come with independent security concerns, and moving towards stateful tokens is prudent just to ensure more robust systems. Some of the schemes in the second onramp of the NIST competition have very small signatures, but large public keys; this approach could be another tool to address this use case.

Our main recommendation is to use stateful tokens where possible, given their additional security benefits. Additionally, we want to experiment in this space to gather data for more solid recommendations.


There are some other use cases that do not fit into any of these categories. For example, in some cases, documents have to be encrypted asymmetrically; separately from encryption in transit. This use case mainly includes emails encrypted and signed via S/MIME, but also various protocols using HPKE or PGP, or using digital signatures directly.

Another one of the more important asymmetric encryption protocols is key import for HSMs.

These use cases are less sensitive to ciphertext size, so using Kyber (FIPS 203/ML-KEM) in hybrid with ECDH/X25519 should not pose many challenges. For S/MIME in particular, additional difficulties might arise from the multi recipient setting.

Another use case that is related to, but not equal to the HSMs discussed above are hardware roots of trust such as security keys or TPMs, which face their own difficulties regarding their hardware constraints.

Privacy preserving and other fancier schemes will require additional research to safely deploy. We plan to give an overview and a call to action in a future blog post.

Threat actors and Timelines

Both lack of quantum-safe confidentiality and lack of quantum-safe authenticity can be exploited by threat actors. While the threats to confidentiality are more direct, the threats to authenticity are often far more wide-reaching and devastating.

Threat Actors

Nation States

Nation states are the most likely to first arrive at a cryptographically relevant quantum computer. They will most likely try to deploy the quantum computer in a deniable fashion, in order to avoid tipping off adversaries of their capabilities. Nation states are most likely to target the Cloud deployments of other nation state customers, and may target political dissidents and other targets for surveillance. Nation states might also target Google or other infrastructure providers for military or economic reasons.

While building a cryptographically relevant quantum computer is hard, once the machine is built, it should not be very expensive to break any given public key. Given the ephemeral nature of encryption in transit keys, the most likely first targets would be more static keys as required for e.g. PKI, as well as breaking stored communication that is considered of high interest. As quantum computers get cheaper, they might target wider and wider sets of victims.

Some have raised concerns that nation states might try to backdoor or weaken the algorithms NIST releases, as has been done in the past in the case of Dual_EC_DRBG. To preempt such concerns, the NIST standards were designed in a public competition. In addition, if most deployments are in a hybrid fashion, being able to break the PQC algorithm by itself would not help until a quantum computer is available, giving the public several years to discover any potential backdoors.

Insider Threats

Google and other companies are working to build a quantum computer, which eventually might become cryptographically relevant. As with other prized technologies, insider threats remain a vector. To that end, companies will need to take necessary precautions to protect their crown jewels to avoid theft or exploitation by a nation state threat and other motivated attackers.

Ransomware and other financially motivated threat actors

For financially motivated threat actors, the main consideration will be the availability of quantum computers. If use cases for quantum computers remain limited, access to them might be too difficult for a financially motivated threat actor to obtain. If they are available for relatively cheap prices, either directly, or via Cloud deployments, we are likely to see them used to extract ransoms, or commit industrial espionage, by exploiting areas that have not migrated to quantum-safe protocols.

Regulatory Landscape

PQC has become a hot topic with various executive orders in the US, requiring the US government to work towards deploying quantum-safe cryptography. Regulatory frameworks such as CNSA 2.0 outright require the use of PQC on fairly short timelines, with other compliance frameworks such as FIPS being soon to follow. Beyond the US, BSI and ANSSI have also been active in this space and have been starting to ask for PQC roadmaps for longer term deployments.


The best aggregate timeline estimates for the risk from quantum computers we have can be summed up in this graphic by the global risk institute.

Fig. 1. Global Risk Institute expert estimates for cryptographically relevant quantum computers

Based on this timeline, and corroborated by Google’s quantum computing team, Google Quantum AI, the main risk for a cryptographically relevant quantum computer is within a ten to 15 year timeframe. We expect significant improvements in the field by 2030, which should serve as a good midpoint check on the timeline.


Despite the long timelines until the prevalence of cryptographically relevant quantum computers can be expected, we hope that the overview given in this blog post will help you understand which areas are most at risk, and where you should start focusing your attention at the present time.

Look out for more posts on PQC in the future. As the state of the art is evolving, so will the guidance and best practices we recommend!