
Finding Bugs in Chrome with CodeQL

Julia Hansbrough
Software Engineer, Chrome Security
Published: Nov 21, 2024
Vulnerability Reward Program Chrome

Finding Bugs in Chrome with CodeQL

This blog post discusses how to use a static analysis tool called CodeQL to search for vulnerabilities in Chrome.

Tip: You can download Chromium CodeQL databases here; send any feedback to codeql-discuss@chromium.org!

What is CodeQL? And why CodeQL?

CodeQL is a query language for source code, which can be used for searching for bugs in your codebase.

To enable CodeQL for your codebase, first, you would need to generate a CodeQL database, which contains semantic information about your code. Doing so would then allow you to perform a far more sophisticated analysis of your codebase than would be possible using a simple grep.

This characteristic makes CodeQL an excellent tool for performing variant analysis — that is, if you already know about one instance of a security bug (say, one that was recently disclosed), you may suspect that other bugs of a similar type still exist in the codebase.

However, searching for those other bugs, either by manually paging through the code, or by grepping for particular string patterns, often isn't as reliable as one would like. The kind of query we'd really like to run would require a deeper understanding of the program's abstract syntax tree and syntactic data: "show all instantiations of a class with a particular property," for instance.

And this is precisely the sort of analysis that can be done by a simple CodeQL query. As an example, a simple query to find all POD (Plain Old Data) classes in a C++ codebase might look like:

import cpp

from Class targetclass
where targetclass.isPod()
select targetclass, targetclass.getQualifiedName()

Or, for something more specific to Chrome, you could write a query to return all Mojo interfaces:

import cpp

class MojoCppInterface extends Class {
   MojoCppInterface() {
     this.getQualifiedName().matches("%::mojom::%") and

from MojoCppInterface mci
select mci, mci.getQualifiedName()

For more sophisticated examples, you can use CodeQL to perform tasks like:

Chrome and CodeQL

Compiling a CodeQL database for a codebase as large and complex as Chrome is somewhat time- and computationally-intensive, so we've made it easier for researchers to dive in by building the databases for you. See here for the available CodeQL databases (starting with the most recent).

In the course of building these databases, we noticed that these databases were frequently incomplete. This is perhaps not surprising: Chrome is a massive codebase, comprising over 85 million lines of code, compiled using a version of Clang that closely follows upstream tip-of-tree, and making use of many of C++'s newest language features. Off-the-shelf tooling often isn't designed to handle codebases with Chrome's size and complexity.

Fortunately, the CodeQL team has a very active presence on GitHub, and we've been working with them to create standalone reproductions of these errors as we find them & provide detailed reports to their team. Our teamwork has already borne fruit: since CodeQL version 2.17.4, their team has landed over a dozen fixes for issues reported by Chrome (for example, see here and here). These fixes have already greatly increased the space of what's queryable in Chrome, and there's still more fixes on the way on the way, with an ultimate goal of compiling a database that can flawlessly query all of Chrome source.

To assist others in writing their own CodeQL queries, some queries that we've already found useful for Chrome currently live in the source tree, and we're adding more all the time. Feel free to either reference them for your own work, or extend them to write more powerful queries.

How to Play

  1. Download the most recent build of the Chromium CodeQL database.

  2. Import that database into VSCode via the CodeQL extension (detailed instructions).

  3. Run an initial query. For example, here's one that leverages the Ipc library provided by Chromium, and returns all methods on Mojo interface implementations within Chromium:

    import cpp
    import lib.Ipc
    from MojoImpl impl
    select impl, impl.getAMethod()

    See the detailed instructions for more guidance on where to write your query, how to run a query, and so forth.

    You should see a result in the "CodeQL Query Results" pane after a few minutes.

  4. From there on out: happy querying! Check other queries used in the Chrome source tree if you'd like some other ideas or more concrete examples.

Wrapping Up

If you encounter any issues using the Chromium CodeQL databases, you can email codeql-discuss@chromium.org and we'll get back to you.

Vulnerabilities you discover using CodeQL may be eligible for a reward through Chrome’s Vulnerability Reward Program – with a strong emphasis on “may.” Why? The Chrome Security and Engineering teams are only able to triage and investigate reports of security issues that contain actionable information. Speculative or theoretical reports of security issues based solely on code analysis are not generally eligible for a Chrome VRP reward.

Please ensure any security bug reports based on findings from CodeQL consist of the expected and actionable characteristics of a Chrome security bug report, such as:

  • Proof of concept (PoC) / test case
  • Symbolized ASAN stack trace
  • Clear and concise steps to reproduce

Please see the Chrome VRP rules and policies page for full information, and review the Report Quality section to ensure your report meets eligibility criteria.

Happy bug hunting!